Congratulations to A/Prof David Ackland for being awarded an ARC Future Fellowship. The award is a huge achievement and recognition of his excellent research work.
A/Prof Ackland's research proposal is on advancing human movement evaluation using artificial intelligence.
Human movement disorders affect one-third of Australians; however, conventional approaches to assessing joint motion are costly and largely clinic- or laboratory-based. This project aims to combine biomechanical modelling and advanced machine learning to non-invasively produce accurate, low-c
ost, user-friendly shoulder and elbow joint angle measurements using wearable inertial sensors. The technology will enable a non-expert to obtain reliable kinematics data in any location. Accurate, wearable motion measurement will benefit next-generation healthcare including telemedicine and remote rehabilitation for isolated communities, performance monitoring of elite athletes and military personnel, and the gaming and film/animation industries
For further details, click the ARC announcement on https://www.arc.gov.au/news-publications/media/media-releases/arc-future-fellows-pave-way-australian-research