Professor Peter Lee
Professor Peter Lee is the Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Medical Implant Technologies and the Chief Investigator in the ARC Training Centre for Personalised Therapeutic Technologies. He is currently the Associate Editor for Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices (Elsevier), Frontiers in Pharmacology, Translational Pharmacology (Frontiers), and Deputy Editor for Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (Springer Nature).
Professor Lee's laboratory has made significant impact in applying interdisciplinary and multi-scaled solutions for complex biomedical problem, taking research through the full value chain from design, clinical trials to commercialisation. His team developed the titanium 3D-printed Melbourne Temporal Mandibular Joint prosthesis, using comprehensive biomechanical measurements to build computational models to represent the underlying physiology of the human jaw when actual measurements could not be obtained directly from patients. The titanium prosthesis was commercialised by the start-up company, Maxoniq (formerly OMX Solutions Pty Ltd) in 2015 and has been fitted into more than 300 patients.
As Director of the ARC Training Centre for Medical Implant Technologies, he leads the largest industry-university-hospital partnership in Australia focusing on orthopaedic and maxillofacial implants to train a new generation of interdisciplinary engineers in biomechanics, materials and manufacturing for the orthopaedic and maxillofacial implant industry.
Professor Lee also specialises in biomechanics for lower limb prostheses and orthoses, developing the Pressure Cast (PCAST) system to produce low–cost artificial limbs using a portable and easy-to-use prosthetic socket fitting system that requires less technical skill and labour.
Professor Lee obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering and PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Strathclyde, UK, where he continued his postdoctoral studies. Prior to joining the University of Melbourne, Professor Lee held several senior positions in Singapore including the:
Singapore Institute of Materials Research and Engineering;
Singapore Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute; and
National University of Singapore, Division of Bioengineering.
He has authored more than 140 publications in journals, conference proceedings and books. He is a regular reviewer for journals and grant bodies and currently the Deputy Editor for Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, and Associate Editor for Frontiers in Pharmacology (Translational Pharmacology).