Professor David Lloyd
Professor of Biomechanical Engineering
David Lloyd is a Professor of Biomechanical Engineering in the School of Allied Health Sciences and director of the Gold Coast Centre for Orthopaedic Research, Engineering and Education (GCORE) in the Menzies Health Institute Queensland. GCORE is an alliance between Griffith University, the Gold Coast University Hospital and other Gold Coast and in Brisbane hospitals. David was also co-founder of and a Professor in Griffith’s new Advanced Design and Prototyping Technologies Institute (ADaPT), leading the medical devices group. He is mechanical engineer who first worked in the aeronautical industry, but then completed a PhD and post-doctoral training in biomechanical engineering and neurophysiology. After a long career in biomechanical engineering he is now an elected Fellow of the International Society of Biomechanics. David and team have developed computer-simulation methods to study the causes, prevention, management and rehabilitation of neuromusculoskeletal conditions, with these methods now being adopted in the orthopaedics and neurorehabilitation industries. David and team are currently developing accurate personalised digital models of humans with real-time capabilities by combining data from laboratory-based instrumentation, multimodal medical imaging and wireless wearable devices. In orthopaedics, they are developing personalised surgeries, implants and surgical instrumentation, and in neurorehabilitation they develop human-machine-interfaces for various rehabilitation devices. David and team work with hospitals, and sporting organisations, and medical imaging, orthopaedic, and wearable device companies. David has more than 200 scientific journal papers, over 12,200 citations and H index of 56 (Google Scholar) and attracted over $AUD23Million in R&D funding.